This is my new project, a Tamiya 1:48 scale Crusader III. The model has been assembled out of the box with the exception of a electical cable to the turret search light from fine copper wire and a tie down strap to the spare track linkjs from thin lead foil. I also plan to add a radio mast from brass wire after painting and weathering is complete.
The painting process begins with a fine coat of Floquil grimy black laquer paint, this is left for 24 hours to cure fully. This laquer paint tends to provide a good bond with the underlying plastic for the subsequent colour coats to stick to.

The next step was to mix up a nice brittish pale stone colour to use as the base camoflage colour for this tank. I chose to make a mix by eye from the Tamiya colours: wooden deck tan, buff and desert yellow. This mix was carefully airbrushed on the whole vehicle paying attention to achieve a more transparent coat of paint nearer to the edges of panels and features and a more opaque coat towards the center of panels.
After this some deck tan was added to the mix in the airbrush colour cup to lighten the tone and the center of panels were picked out to add another level of highlighting.
Again more deck tan was added to the mix in the airbrush colour cup to lighten the tone and the center of the panels was picked out again to further add another level of fading and highlight.
This process was repeated a third time and just the very center of each panel was highlighted.
This has resulted in a really extreme sun fading effect to the base coat. This over eggsagerated efftect is important at this stage as subsequent filters, washes and weathering will all tone down and darken this coat of paint.
Next up is the dissruptive colour pattern of black, so stay tuned.